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Writer's pictureWhat's Poppin'

Why is that?

Does this resonate with you as a small business owner?

Sometimes people see you as just a friend named April or a nephew named John.

Folks don't want to 'just give money to their friend Paul,' even though Paul may be doing a project for them. They would pay a big retail store full price before paying a friend, associate or even a family member, what they are worth.

Why is that? Sad but true. 😩

Firstly, people are cheap with people they know well. And most times our strongest supporters and most loyal, full-paying customers are complete strangers. Again, sad but true. A stranger sees your skill and expertise. The neighbor just sees you as 'the kid next door.'

Secondly, those cheapskates who didn't really believe in you, will begin to ask for favors and discounts once they realize that you DO know what you're doing. They'll be upset, and totally forget all the 'gimmes' and 'freebies' they've already received. But then remind yourself of the vacations they take and the dining out that they do, and then laugh to yourself. Let's be real - you're not a charity, you're in business to make money.

Thirdly, it's lonely at the top! As your business grows and expands, your personal network shrinks and your professional network expands. Not everyone is meant to go on this growth journey with you. Think about who actually belongs in your circle.


Lena S.

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