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Here's What We Found

41 items found for ""

  • Better late, than regretting you didn't go

    This morning did NOT start off so hot. I was scheduled for my first visit to the Gwinnett Entrepreneur Center for a networking Breakfast, however, my son has a chronic issue with NOT getting his butt up to be at school on time. Anyone living anywhere in the Metro Atlanta area knows that traffic stinks - and if you leave late, it BIG stinks. Needless to say, we left late. 😐 Not only does my son mosey slower than molasses, but he's spoiled and requires door-to-door-service to the school entrance. 😐 Traffic was borderline ridiculous this morning. 12 minutes to get from Pleasant Hill Road to on North Perry Street. I'd never make it. I contemplated not going to network as frustration was ALL over my face and the military in me still thrives on punctuality for myself. But I did go. I arrived 5 minutes late, and guess what? I gained a potential bartering of services and collaborating buddy I gained and booked a potential client And I completed a graphic design project for another client I may have a potential workshop (teaching) opportunity Moral of my story? Life happens. Sometimes you just have to make adjustments on the fly. And sometimes it's just our insecurities and uncomfortableness that's stopping us from moving forward. How many opportunities have passed you by because you didn't stop out of your comfort zone? Think twice before you make the excuses - It's cold outside. It's too late. It's too early. I'm too tired. I don't have anything to wear. I'm not really prepared. I don't have any business cards..... so WHAT!?!???? 😁 💙❤️💙 Lena

  • 1st Quarter Jumpstart

    1st Quarter Jumpstart NOW STREAMING Welcome to the 1st Quarter Jumpstart, a series that aims to help re-ignite small businesses! As we all know, the beginning of the year can be tough on many businesses, and we are excited to be a part of a community that is dedicated to supporting each other and helping each other thrive! During this series, we will be sharing valuable insights on how to work smarter and not harder, master messaging and marketing, and discuss strategies for success moving forward. Available on 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 YBTV: We encourage all small business owners to check out this FREE, virtual series. Together, we can overcome challenges and bounce back stronger than ever. Let's work together to support each other and build a thriving business community. Hope to see you all there! 💙❤️💙 Lena #whatspoppinusa #supportsmallbusiness #businesshelp #smallbusinesscheck

  • Plant Seeds...

    The seeds you plant might take a little bit longer to produce... But just be patient. Another little story. 2 years ago I approached a large company about utilizing their space for a vendor pop-up market. At first they were very gung-ho at the idea, but then I think they looked at me and the size of my business and decided to pass. Since then I have worked with everyone from a $10 budget to a 15 million company. Today, out of the blue, I received a phone call from that same gentleman from 2 years ago! He is now asking me to assist in his event and asking for my input as an organizer. I have not spoken to this man or stepped foot in his establishment and over those two years. The impression that you make and the seeds that you plant DO take root. Sometimes they just take a little bit longer... 🥰😁🥰 💙❤️💙 Lena S. HHIC Head | Hostess in Charge What's Poppin' USA T: 262-4POPPIN W: E:

  • Did you know?

    Interested in hearing about other SMALL businesses and interesting business topics from real business owners? Season ONE Glass Table Talks and Season TWO Let's Talk SMALL business are chocked FULL of information and fun as Lena S hosts over 60 episodes to date! Everything from business law to expanding your central nervous system, to sneaker designing and even the manufacturing and patenting process with samples and such! Catch all episodes on our sister company, YBTV, Your Brand Television... TV your way I'll see ya there! 💙❤️💙 Lena S. HHIC Head | Hostess in Charge What's Poppin' USA T: 262-4POPPIN W: E:

  • Can your business carry on without you?

    Question...... What do you do when you go down for the count??? How does your business operate? DOES it continue to operate when you personally can't?? I've been down now with the flu for the last 4 days. 😭😭😭. Everything aches, hurts, I'm freezing, I'm burning up, I'm throwing up, I really suck right now..... BUT.... because I took advantage of a few FREE programs to keep my company's presence intact. Interested in finding out how? Book a chat - AFTER I FEEL BETTER!!! 😁 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 💙❤️💙 Lena S. HHIC Head | Hostess in Charge What's Poppin' USA T: 262-4POPPIN W: E:

  • Tax Time - Impuestos!

    It's almost that dreaded time of year.... Tax Time!! As SMALL businesses, every single dollar is crucial! But why do we neglect all these dollars tax time comes around? Did you know that you can write off a PLETHORA of your business expenses? I SO promise you it isn't difficult, just tedious! This year, take advantage of the FREE help video I put together to hand walk you through each line item of your Schedule C, Income and Expense Statement. Don't be afraid to tally up your expenses! The Intenal Revenue Service (IRS) only wigs out and flags you when things are NOT reasonable and necessary. For example: a commercial mixer for a candle company or a heat press for a customization business are all reasonable and necessary. What would NOT be reasonable OR necessary is if you tried to write off a Maserati with your T-shirt or candle company. That is a GIANT red flag to the IRS! and NO bueno! The IRS also expects a SMALL business LOSS for about 5 years, so don't worry that your little bit of upsidedownness will cause a major tax commotion. The Startup Phase is the most expensive phase of business. It's where we're just figuring things out and purchasing all of our equipment and supplies. Think about it. How many times must you purchase a sublimation printer or a power washer? Usually just once, upon starting your business. The bulk of your expense comes from startup, and the remaining years just refill supplies and only make huge purchases when stuff breaks down or you level up. Be sure to gather those receipts, grab your bank statements and a dollar tree notebook to organize all of your expenses. Your bottom line will thank me! 🥳💰 Help video at What's Poppin' University: FREE 👉🏽 Need more help? Or not really sure what you need? Book an appt and we'll sort it out! 💙❤️💙 Lena S. HHIC Head | Hostess in Charge What's Poppin' USA T: 262-4POPPIN W: E:

  • Holiday market at Berkmar Wrap-up

    SCREAMING a GIANT THANK YOU to all of the amazing vendors that showed up and showed out on Saturday, December 16th for our first Holliday Market at Berkmar!!! The weather was yucky, the wrestling coach didn't have the bus drivers dio a good job and moving the buses from blocking the street view, and we didn't have as many shoppers as we would have liked.... BUT all of that being said, you braved the day and supported the kiddos! With your vendor booth donation, we were able to write a check for $1150, even though only $1000 was presented on the actual check. (We gave a little extra for the custodians having to clean up and tidy up and move chairs and tables for us. 😁) So I THANK you. I do want to add that paid advertising was done on Facebook and Instagram, and the free marketing promotions were done on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, alignable, LinkedIn, Berkmar High School Facebook page, the Berkmar High School digital sign out front of the building, the Berkmar High School parent newsletter and there is a physical banner hanging on the front fence by the bus drivers wanted sign. Oh, emails were sent to staff and flyers were posted inside the school building. Whew! 😁 If any of you missed it and would still like to participate, here is the link to the FEEDBACK SURVEY about the market for the VENDORS, and I BEG you to PLEASE COMPLETE IT so we know where we stand and what we can improve on for the 2024 Holiday Market. Some of you have already made your selections, and your voices are heard. I have actually put out surveys across various social media platforms, questioning whether a higher vendor fee with paid advertisement on the TV and radio or lower vendor fees relying only on word of mouth and social media? Almost unanimously small business owners have come back with LOWER VENDOR FEES with free marketing on all social media platforms and word of mouth.... I will continue to monitor the results and post them for all to see by the end of the weekend. Take the survey VENDOR FEEDBACK SURVEY LINK: 👉🏽 Work with Lena For those that answered YES to working with me, please book a FREE CHAT so we can discuss what you need! YOU CAN BOOK ME HERE: 👉🏽 Hope to hear from you either way and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! 🎄 💙❤️💙 Lena S. HHIC Head | Hostess in Charge What's Poppin' USA T: 262-4POPPIN W: E:

  • Little story here

    So I look like a hot mess today. I've been trapped in the house and my son decided he wanted me to pick him up from school early. But this time I had to go inside of the building, which I clearly forgot before I jumped in the car. As I was at the attendance desk checking him out, here comes the principal of his school. I've been meaning to chat with him and he was right there in my line of sight and our eyes connected. I turned my back with my kid and went to walk out the door and I stopped myself. I marched right back up to him and apologized for my appearance IMMEDIATELY. He chuckled and apologized for his... He was wearing a suit and tie, LOL. I got two GIANT YESES and two big old blessings. I proposed two specific programs to him and on the spot, my gift of gab and shining personality (haha) let him overlook my crazy garb of the day and gave me two thumbs up for the go ahead for programming at the high school. The lesson for today... The opportunity is what you make it. People can look past what's on the outside to get to the inside, but you have to know your stuff to pull it off! 💙❤️💙 Lena What's Poppin' USA

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